12:57 AMMom has been leaving her child
Leaving him in sorrow
No one could understand
Why he was alone
Searched for a way to live
But life leads him to despair
Walk again to find a new home
But his home was not so welcomed
Built new house and leave
No more left
Not even family and friend
Only himself
Crying beside the river
Hiding under the world
Can’t see him clearly
Why he should live
When he cried the rain will fall
And give him a blooming flower
As a present
To not make him cry
Made him the most pitiful creature
But when he’s alone
The rain will fall
So does the blooming flower
As the rain wanted to play around
And be his friends
But how could that be
When they’re not the same
No more human left
All he has
Only him
Set the picture again
Build the house again
Call the rain
And make the flowers bloom
Sees the outside
It’s blooming and pretty
Let him live there
With rain and flower
Together forever