I'm losing my feelings

8:37 PM

I forgot the feelings of loving someone
I forgot how small surprises could make you feel warm
I forgot how happy I am when I got surrounded by friends
I forgot how was the feeling to date someone that you love
I forgot how to dream
I forgot the feeling of enjoying something that i like
I forgot how to be happy

There are lots of things that I forgot, and I can't even tell what is it.
But even I forgot how it feels to be alive I believe that I experience

The experience of loving someone
The experience of getting small surprises
The experience of getting surrounded by friends
The experience of dating someone that I love
The experience of having a dream
The experience of enjoying something that I like
The experience of getting happy

I do have a happy life, I was born into a happy family. I have friends who will come to me when I need them. I have a person who loves me most.

That is why

I need to be happy

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