[Review] belajar pake bahasa indo! ETUDE: Dear Darling Tint Real Red

9:45 AM

Halo! Selamat tahun baru!  あけましておめでとう!
Walaupun judulnye mau belajar tapi bukan berati wa kaga bisa indo
Pengen nyobain sekali pake bahasa indo gitu secara kan bahasa sehari-hari jadi ceritanya lebih asik kalau pake indo kan

Anyway happy new year! OMO selamat tahun baru dimana tahun ini muka kita tambah keriput tambah malas tulang tambah remuk, gejala osteoporosnya bumi eh osteoporosis sih maksutnya. Ah wa kok jadi galo #garukgaruktembok

Karena kita nggak boleh buat rewind waktu lagi yaudah ya kita move on aja buat tahun yang baru ini. Benernya nggak ada yg spesial dari post ini kok, cuma lagi pengen aja cerita2 ke diary gitu ke wanita pada umumnya. Ya kalian semua apa resolusi kalian tahun ini?

kalau gua mah makan nonstop tanpa mikirin berat badan
sumpe ini mah asli berat banget cobaannya

Buat bisa makan enak itu terkadang harus matok berapa kalorinya berapa energi yang dikeluarkan lama-lama wa udh kuliah fisika aje. Ya tapi hidup itu simpel kok kalau berat badan udh naik ya turunin dong. #brbdigebukmassa

Tahun 2015 rasanya banyak banget perubahan yang asli gua alamin. Gua sadar akan sifat gua yang tambah dewasa gila amit-amit. Ya untungnya bestisan (bukan betis ye inget) udah tau sifat kurang waras wa yaaa shouganai-la. Tapi untungnya semakin ketahun kita semakin tabah kan ya? semakin baik kan hidup kita? ya gitudeh jawabannya. Oke sekian deh ucapan bahasa indo yang ngalor ngidul alay ini, Intinya wa cuma pengen ngucapin happy new year doang kok semoga gua tambah kurus dan tinggi sih kalau nggak bisa yaudah wa mimpi aje.

Back to english reader, Happy New Year! I hope we're getting better from before.
For making this post not a waste, lately I've been using this liptint for a year but I haven't review it at all. I'm not typically a make up junkie but I think It would be useful (maybe :P)

I bought real red because it's more light than the vampire one

My face looks like a sick person so if i wearing dark color i'll look sick wtf
Okay back to the tint. I really love etude so much, starts from the cute packaging, the quality, and cheap (especially when you know that etude in here will give you 50% for member's birthday :P)

Eh maybe my new year's comment Etude shud give me free on my birthday *runaway*

The tint was made from plastic so I think it's safe if it's fall down (as long as it's not on extreme fall down style wtf) It's also slim so it fit on my pouch. When you open it, the applicator's shape is like lipgloss and it's soft if you put it on your lips.

Put it on my gorgeous hand lol (I just want to make my hand looks good, no comment wtf)
the texture was like jelly (?) it's not too watery. AND THE COLORS STAY GUYS! but not really long it's about 3 hours if you does not likes to eat or drink. It easily wash away the color after you applied it above 1-2 hours. But what I really likes about this is because it does not make any stain on your mug or coffee cups! I don't know if it will leave any stain on my clothes because i'm not really brave to do that wtf.

and this is me wearing the liptint, Just don't realize my awkward position. This is my first time doing an awkward position.... 

in 2016 lol

I'm sho sorry guys i just woke up in 2016 and I forgot how to smile!
ANYWAY (too much anyway in my post if you read it lol) even though I wore the winter hat does not mean that it's winter in Surabaya it's actually 30 Celsius and I wanted snow so badlyyyyyyy

happy new year gys!

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