For you who used to be close

12:29 AM

I hate the feeling of losing a friend, especially when you're close, hate the feeling when you're not the one that your friend could trust anymore.

What I could think about now, was it because I'm busy? I'm no good as a friend? People are way better than me? I'm unpredictable? I judge you so much?

you know I love you like the way you are when you're happy it made me the happiest thing of my life
When you're sad I'll listen to all of your stories, you could say the f words to me only to make you feel at ease.

The feeling of being useless, I know people tend to wipe away their problem pretending that they're strong and happy
I'm currently in that state right now, I do know how it feels

Everybody knows how it feels

But how they stop talking with me, not giving me a sign of life.

Just say

hi, I'm fine (even I know you're not)

Don't you just dare Showing your friend having fun with you?
don't you just dare to ignore me
don't you just dare to pretend that I'm not there anymore

When we're being grateful we meet each other was it just a lie?

now that I'm deeply hurt and tried lots of things to get you back, being spoiled on insta stories.
don't you want me back?

If you think I'm not capable enough of being a friend. I'm deeply sorry, I'll let you go
Whatever you say I'm giving up on my friendship, aren't you just the same?

don't you dare play as a victim, here I am wiping my tears because I'm the evil one? On blue, for quite a long time because I'm the evil one does not make any sense to me.

If losing a friend hurts this much, I don't want it


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